Anyways, lets start this weeks party and sometime today or tomorrow I will recap last weeks party... SO sorry!!!
*For those that are new to Socialize with Me Monday til Sunday:
Socialize with me Monday til Sunday was created for those that do crafts (and then some) throughout the week and CAN'T wait for the next link party to show off :
Yes, this link party is ONE week long! It will start every Monday and go til Sunday. Since it is a week long, a multiple of 10 max projects may be shared per blog per week.
The beginning of every new socialize with me party, I will recap a few of my favorites from the previous week.
-Add the "Socialize with me Mon. til Sun. Craft and THEN Some Link Party" button to your post so others can join the fun
-To save us from having to search for your project, please link to your post and not your blog.
-We love to see something new; No repeats from the same blog please.
-Leave only positive and uplifting comments to participating links :)
Happy Socializing! :)

Thanks for letting me know about the link party =)