Edit: I'm linking this up to:

Here's the before picture:
It's not terrible, but it was asking me for a little facelift, especially to keep up with the more modern feel of our decor.
Here's the after:
I must say, I love the result (and yes, it's the same fan!)
Here's what I did:
Here's what I did:
I took the fan blades off
With a hand saw, I cut off the hump to create a straighter edge.
Smoothed the cut edge with sand paper
Spray-painted, in long strokes, with the black (gloss) spray paint.
Let dry.
Took off the glass fixtures and replaced them with the newer ones
Put the blades back on.
I'm going to be doing the same thing to my other fan fixtures. Can't wait!

wow what a difference. They look great. Thanks for linking up to my challenge.